When we took our first lamb crop to the butcher (all 7 of them - a decade ago), we only sold by the half/whole. It was advice we followed from I-don't-even-remember-who, but it made sense because we didn't want to end up with a bunch of cuts leftover that nobody wanted.
Fast forward to now...
There's no such thing! Our customers and chefs - you do not leave us with "less desirable" cuts (whatever that is!). We have learned so much - all the way from the pasture to the plate. We are always interested to see how our customers use our lamb - and count it a privilege to have every conversation with many lamb lovers that try out unique methods of preparing their lamb.

Lately, I have been studying videos of butchers breaking down lambs on their cutting tables - a pursuit that I (Charlotte) most certainly would previously been voted as "least likely to spend time doing." It has immense value to understand better what makes up a lamb - beyond the basics.
We are always striving to maximize the potential end use of our animals - a quality and consistent product we can supply continually with minimal waste, at a price point you can meet. It is a work in progress!